Tracking Money in & Out (not about book-keeping or accounts!

For the purpose of this video, we're not talking about book-keeping or accounting.

They are super important, but this exercise is about looking for money leaks.

Tracking money that is going out is looking for any outgoings that are going out automatically eg. tech that you don't need anymore or memberships that you don't need.

Track your spend during the day to see if your money is being whittled away on coffees, books, stickers (for kids) etc.

Law of Attraction says that energy goes where focus goes, so tracking money coming in is good as it makes us feel good to see those numbers growing.

You can use progressive art (as in the video) of you like to have something visual.

Remember that you still need to do your book-keeping and accounting, this is about those unconscious money patterns and habits.


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