Mindset and energy money mastery

I’m here to tell you, it’s not your fault 

I’m not here to knock the marketing gurus. There are many brilliant people out there with valuable advice and strategies. But, if you want their strategies to work, you have to follow them consistently and do ALL the things they tell you to do. And that’s where the problem lies.

What if the things they tell you to do feel scary? What if they take you out of your comfort zone? And what’s keeping you stuck in that comfort zone anyway? Other people can go live on social media, show up as guest experts, go to networking meetings and do all those other things that get them noticed. So why can’t you?

I’ll tell you why…

Because you have negative beliefs, thoughts, and feelings held deep inside your subconscious mind that are trying to keep you ‘safe’. So, you tell yourself stories…

“People like me can’t make that sort of money.”

“I’m not good enough to charge that much.”

“I’m no good with money.”

“Money is the root of all evil.”

Most of these stories aren’t even yours. You’ve taken them on in childhood from your parents or other authority figures. And now they’re deeply ingrained in your mind, causing self-sabotaging behaviour… imposter syndrome, procrastination, fear, undercharging, staying in your comfort zone, not taking action.

 Those stories and behaviours zap your energy and keep you stuck in a never-ending loop of negativity and inactivity. And all that negative energy you’re putting out into the world comes back to bite you with negative results. So, attracting clients and making money always seems out of reach.

It doesn’t have to be this way. 

Imagine if you could…

  • Wake up every day feeling energised and ready to take on new challenges in your business.
  • Effortlessly do all the things that keep you and your business growing and flourishing.
  • Feel ‘in flow’ so life seems easy and good things just happen.
  • Attract your dream clients with ease, so you’re always in alignment with your values.
  • Charge what you’re worth so you can live a life of abundance.

 It’s possible!

Introducing the

Mindset And Energy Money Mastery

coaching and healing programme

This is a 12-week, 1:1, intensive mindset coaching programme that works on your subconscious mind and your energy. You will clear negative beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. Replace them with positive thinking and raise your energy so you can get out of your own way and achieve whatever you want… with fast and lasting results.

Your investment: £2222 (Pay in Full)

Payment plan available 6 payments of £400

This is for you if:

💕 You’ve wasted time and money on every marketing course and 5-day challenge going… hoping to learn the ‘secret sauce’ to attracting clients. But nothing has worked.

💕 Procrastination is killing your productivity, and you just can’t get anything done. You feel completely stuck and have no idea how to get unstuck.

💕 Fear stops you from being visible in the online space, and you find it hard to promote your business consistently.

💕 Your energy is so low that everything feels like a huge effort. You’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of negativity that you can’t get out of.

💕 You’re hardly attracting any clients, money isn’t flowing in, and you’re sick of living a life of lack.

 I believe a healthy mindset and positive energy is vital for running and growing a successful business


How it works

Every client comes to me with different challenges and goals. That’s why my mindset coaching programme is tailored around you and what you need.

In each session, we’ll start by chatting about how you’re feeling and what’s holding you back. Sometimes you may not want to tell me about a block you have because it’s deeply personal. And sometimes, you may not even know what the block is. But that’s ok. I can still help you to clear it… that’s the magic of the work I do!

I’ll use a selection of powerful techniques in each session to clear your blocks and any negative beliefs, thoughts, and feelings you have. We’ll then work on embedding positive thinking and raising your energetic vibration.

Why do we also work on your energy?

Have you ever noticed how when you’re feeling low, negative things happen all the time? But when you’re feeling happy, good things magically seem to happen instead?

Well, that’s because the way you feel affects your energy. And you get what you focus on. So, if you’re feeling negative, you put negative energy out into the world, and it comes back to bite you with negative results. But when you put out positive energy, you get positive results. This is the law of vibration.

When we work together, I’ll remove your negative energy and replace it with positive energy, so you get positive results. And by positive results, I mean:

  • Feeling great
  • Feeling positive
  • Feeling productive
  • Working in flow
  • Taking action
  • More clients
  • More success
  • More growth
  • More money
  • More abundance


What you get:

12 x 1:1 coaching sessions (these can be taken over 3 or 6 months)

Each session is held over Zoom and will last between 1 - 1.5 hours. We’ll aim for weekly sessions for fast results, but I can be flexible to suit your needs and schedule.


You’ll get a worksheet to fill out before our first session to help you get clear on what you want to achieve and give us a starting point. Other worksheets may be sent throughout the programme, depending on your needs.


Depending on what comes up, I may give you some tasks to complete between sessions… but only if you want them! Anything you’re given will be designed to reinforce the work we’ve done in that session to get you faster results.

2 x personalised guided meditations

Listening to a daily meditation helps you embed the work and visualise what you want to achieve.

A recording of every Zoom session

You can watch your sessions back at any time in the future so you can carry on clearing new blocks that appear as you move to higher levels.

Ongoing resources

As part of this programme, you’ll get lifetime access to an exclusive online bank of resources, including videos, worksheets and other information.

This information will be there whenever you need to refresh your memory on some of the things we work on. Or for you to learn new techniques that will help you to continue clearing new blocks


 What my clients say

“I have been working with Ann-Marie for the past few months on various matters - both personal and business, and I have found every session very useful. The EFT sessions were particularly amazing - I don't know how it works, but it does; negative feelings and beliefs dissolve, as if by magic. I really couldn't recommend Ann-Marie enough. She is fabulous and absolutely knows her stuff. I don't think there is a personal or business drama she can't tackle. I highly recommend her.” 

Natasha Lancaster - Virtual Assistant

"I had an initial session with Ann-Marie to look at some of my subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs. Wow! Ann-Marie has a vast array of tools at her disposal to really dig deep to help you work on your mindset, and our whole session was practical-doing and far-reaching. Feelings and emotions were brought to the surface. It was such a cleansing and extremely interesting experience. So much so that I've agreed to work further with Ann-Marie over a series of weeks to really work on myself. Thank you, Ann-Marie, for the calm and kind environment you create - and I recommend your services wholeheartedly for anyone who is interested to explore their mind further or for anyone who has subconscious blocks to bust. I'm really looking forward to continuing working with you. UPDATE: I’ve now had 4 sessions with Ann-Marie and 4 weeks of implementing her techniques. This last week I’ve felt a major shift of energy and have seen results! I’m so excited to continue working with Ann-Marie - to see what’s yet to come!"

Fay Blakey - Business Consultant


Are you ready to start living a life of abundance?

Investment is normally £2222 or 6 payments of £400

Get my SPECIAL BIRTHDAY OFFER FOR £1111 (pay in full)

Payment Plan available…

3 payments of £377.00 or

6 payments of £190.00

DM me ABUNDANCE to have a chat about this programme and see if we are a good fit to work together.


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 Mindset & Energy Money Mastery
 £ 2,222.00 GBP
 £ 377.00 GBP  ( then £377.00 GBP for 2 months )
 Payment Plan 6 months
 £ 190.00 GBP  ( then £190.00 GBP for 5 months )

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