Upgrade Your Money Mindset Power Session

A 90-minute power session to clear that one money block that’s been keeping you stuck so you can finally move forward with an abundant mindset 

It’s time to get out of your own way so you can attract dream clients and make more cash

Have you got a fear that’s holding you back and stopping you from being successful in your business? Maybe the thought of making phone calls to clients fills you with dread. You cringe every time someone asks for your price. Your accounts are in a mess because you can’t bear to face the truth of what you earn. Or you’re in constant fear of being ‘found out’ and called an imposter.

You’re not alone. Many female business owners who promote in the online space feel this way. Imposter syndrome, comparisonitis and procrastination set in and send you down a spiral of negativity that keeps you stuck. Then you start to feel desperate because you just need money!

And that’s the problem. Because those negative emotions of desperation, fear and exhaustion lower the frequency of your energy. So, you send a low energy vibration out into the universe and attract a low vibe back. And that means you get negative results.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

The success you desire is on the other side of those fears and mindset blocks. And it can be found after you clear those blocks and take your energy to a higher frequency - when you’re feeling joy and happiness.

 I can help you upgrade your money mindset and boost your energy, so you can feel great and move forward in your business with ease.

 Introducing the

Upgrade Your Money Mindset

power session

This is a one-off, 1:1, intensive session where we’ll home in on one negative belief, feeling or memory that’s holding you back. Then, we’ll clear it and replace it with positive energy and thoughts to get you unstuck so you can take action and move forwards.

Your investment for this powerful session is: £333

How it works

Every client comes to me with different challenges and goals. That’s why this session is tailored around you and what you need.

You’ll get:

Pre-session worksheet

The worksheet is designed to help you get the most out of the session and sets a powerful intention for our work together.

1:1 coaching session

The session is held over Zoom and will last for 90 minutes.  A session typically runs as follows:

20 minutes:

We’ll get clear on what’s holding you back. You may not want to tell me about the block you have because it’s deeply personal. Or you may not even know what the block is. But that’s ok. I can still help you to clear it… that’s the magic of the work I do!

40 minutes:

We’ll then spend 40 minutes doing powerful transformational healing and coaching with your subconscious mind and energy. I’ll use a variety of techniques which will be chosen to suit you.

30 minutes:

We’ll finish off with a powerful guided meditation to embed the healing work we’ve done and leave you feeling positive and energised.

After the session

The support continues with:

A recording of the Zoom session

You can watch your session back at any time in the future so you can carry on clearing new blocks that appear as you move to higher levels.

Action steps

2 or 3 recommended action steps to keep empowering you to keep moving forward with programming your money mindset.

After just one session, you’ll…

  • Uncover a block that’s causing sabotaging behaviour and remove it.
  • Heal a memory or event that was traumatic to you as a child and is still impacting you as an adult.
  • Smash through the limiting belief so you can accelerate your business growth.
  • Heal negative feelings so you can banish fear, frustration and overwhelm.
  • Know how to remove money mindset blocks, resistance, and sabotaging behaviour (eg. procrastination) in future so you can keep making progress.

And when you’ve done this, you’ll start to make money!

See the results other clients have had after just one session

“Within less than 24 hours of our session, I’d made additional sales that more than covered my expenditure. Amazing.”

“I more than made back the money I spent. I sold 2 masterclass places from the one piece of content I put out immediately after the hour!!”

“I have just had a dream client message me, and after a few enthusiastic questions, she has signed up!! You are a star!! That was 3 hours after our session!!”

“Boom. 1 coaching slot sold! I feel amazing!!!!!!”

“I’ve been able to confidently tell clients my price. But not only that, I have actually started asking for an investment which recognises my time and experience, knowing that I am worth what I charge with the results I get. Huge block shifted.”

“I’m buzzing. I started my highest paying client yet.”

“I’ve had more orders come through with juice plus this week.”

“You have literally changed my business just in that one session!!! Had my biggest order ever today!”

Are you ready to start living a life of abundance?

 Hit the button below to pay for and book your session.

Investment is £333.

This includes:

❤️ Powerful Reimprinting Hypnotherapy Track to help you to rewire your mind.  Needs to be listened to for 21 days. 

❤️ Agreed aligned 'action steps' to empower you to continue to unlock your next level.

Modules for this package 1
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 £ 333.00 GBP

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