The LIVE Online Decluttering Retreat Day(s) 2024

The LIVE Online Decluttering Retreat Day(s)

  • Friday, 13th September 2024
  • A day for you to finally take action.

A day of decluttering both your emotional mindset and your physical space.

A day that will be the beginning of welcoming the abundance you desire.

  • This is for you if…
  • You struggle to find the time to declutter and feel frustrated that you’re not taking action.
  • You feel constantly stressed by the mind clutter in your head.
  • You feel overwhelmed by having so much stuff around you all the time.
  • You aren’t as productive as you could be as you often find yourself searching for things.
  • You long for calm and clarity with a clear mind and organised spaces around you.
  • You are acutely aware that clutter blocks the flow of abundance .
  • You might have dabbled with Feng Shui or the Law of Attraction, but you just can’t seem to get on top of decluttering and make manifesting work as well as you’d like.
  • You want to create a bigger impact with your clients and your work, whilst unlocking the flow of abundance for yourself.
  • You want to be productive in your business and make an impact with your clients.
  • You want to manifest and create the business you deserve and desire.  
  • You are aware that when your mind and physical spaces are cluttered it’s harder to manifest the success that you desire.

These are all reasons why it’s SO important to finally clear the clutter in your mind and spaces.

By the time the Decluttering Retreat Day comes to an end…

  • You will have cleared a ton of mind, energetic and physical (or digital) clutter. 
  • You will have found some treasure to sell, donate or use yourself. 
  • You will feel clearer and accomplished. 
  • You will feel liberated, clear and a sense of freedom and lightness.
  • You will find that you are more energised and focused as you let go of things that no longer serve you.
  • You will feel more motivated to continue decluttering and making your life more organised, productive and simplified.
  • You will have cleared a ton of mindset and physical clutter and created some gorgeous fresh space for abundance to flow into your life and business.

The long term results will be…

  • You will be better able to access your intuition and get those lightbulb moments.
  • You will have more clarity in your mind for goal-setting and decision making.
  • Both your mind and environment will feel more calming and peaceful.
  • With streamlined spaces (including digital), it will be easier to find what you need, saving you loads of time and stress.
  • You will notice your inner critical voice is quieter with less negative self-talk and self-doubt. So, you’ll find it easier to hear your supportive and loving inner voice, which will make you feel more confident and self-assured.
  • Life will simply feel so much easier.

Are you ready to create spaces for fresh abundance to flow into your life and business?

Take the first step and sign up today.

How will the Online Decluttering Retreat Day work?

We will start at 9.30am with coffee (from your kitchen), introductions, and setting intentions.

There will be an optional EFT Tapping clearing and programming for success session.

We’ll then move on to a session of energy clearing ahead of the physical decluttering.

Then, we’ll get started clearing our ‘stuff’ together on Zoom. You can choose whatever you wish to clear. I’ll provide you with some targeted prompts to get you started if need be.

As we clear our clutter together, we will cheer each other on and celebrate the successes and get those all-important dopamine hits.

We will take breaks throughout the day where we will celebrate the progress and clear any blocks or resistance to clearing.  

At lunchtime, we’ll do an optional EFT Tapping Session to reduce the overwhelm and to programme our continued decluttering momentum. 

At 4pm, we’ll join again to celebrate and enjoy a Receiving Meditation to call in the abundance that you desire and deserve for your life and business. 

Of course, I will be on hand throughout the day for any extra questions or support you need.

Take the first step and sign up today and let's get you clearing your clutter.

NB. You can upgrade to 1:1 VIP Online Decluttering Retreat Day to work privately with me on a date the suits us both. 

Book before 12th September midnight to receive the VIP Aftercare Package, which includes: 

  • A 30-minute EFT Session
  • 4 Mini Decluttering Co-working Sessions 


Book one individual day at JUST £99.00

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 Friday, 13th September 2024
 £ 99.00 GBP

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