Money Mindset School (instant access)

Here’s what we’ll be covering in the modules:

Module One

Money spending archetypes (habits).

Money memories that are holding you back.

Tracking money in and out and why (this is nothing to do with your bookkeeping and doesn’t replace it)

Module Two

Getting Clear on your vision; ICA; Offer; Goals; 

Module Three

You. Your energy. Becoming magnetic. How to make it happen.

Module Four.

How to clear the mindset blocks that are holding you back.

Module Five

How to connect and create the future YOU!

There will be 5 Lessons.

Lesson One:  Learn how to connect with the energy of your business; how to get guidance and ask questions; how and when to trust the information

Lesson Two: Learn how to discover and meet your spiritual business team and how to work with them.

Lesson Three: Energetically call in 100’s or 1000’s of your ICA. You will speak to one of them.

Lesson Four:  Powerful Session clearing money mindset blocks that are holding you back.

Lesson Five: Meet your Future Self in 5 years time.

At the beginning of each lesson there will be an opportunity to ask questions from the days module.

Workbook included for this 5-Module Course inside Money Mindset School.

The investment for Money Mindset School which is a 5-Module online course is £197.00.

I know you really want to work with a coach but right now that’s just too pricey, so I created this affordable 5-Day Money Mindset School just for you!

Get this online course for FREE RIGHT NOW and start understanding your money patterns and habits.

Use Coupon Code August100 at the checkout and get 100% off.

Course normally sells for £197.

Wishing you an AWESOME AUGUST!

Modules for this package 7
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