
Remove subconscious blocks that are holding you back, so you can transform your business and live a life of abundance

Are you struggling to make enough money in your business?

You’ve tried everything. You post on social media every day. You’ve set up lead magnets, webinars, and courses. You email your list. And you’re constantly running deals to drum up business. But nothing seems to work.

So, imposter syndrome creeps in. And you take yet another course. Or do another 5-day challenge. Thinking the answer to your problem is to learn more. All the while, your confidence is taking a battering. Procrastination is killing your productivity. And all you really want to do is hide.

 But the bills keep coming in. You always have just enough to cover them, but never anything extra. You’re sick of living a life of lack. Counting every penny and wondering if you’re going to make it through the month.

It doesn’t have to be this way! 

What if I told you your lack of money has nothing to do with how much you know about your service or how to promote it. Instead, it has everything to do with your money mindset.

“I’m not good enough to charge that much.”

“I can’t earn more than my parents.”

“People like me don’t earn that kind of money.”

Sound familiar? Or maybe it doesn’t! Because often, these kinds of negative beliefs are hidden deep inside your subconscious mind. And you might not even be aware of them. But they’re there. Getting in your way. Zapping your energy. And causing you to sabotage your success.

I can help with money mindset coaching and healing.

Available Packages

The LIVE Online Decluttering Retreat Day(s) 2024

The LIVE Online Decluttering Retreat Day

  • Friday, 13th September 2024

We will start at 9.30am for ‘setting intentions’ and energy clearing head of the physical decluttering.

My Zoom room will close at 4.30 pm after a RECEIVING meditation to call in the abundance you are seeking.  You will celebrate the progress you have made and what you have accomplished.

You struggle to find the time to declutter and simply feel overwhelmed and frustrated by it.

Mindset and energy money mastery

Mindset And Energy Money Mastery

A 12-week intensive mindset coaching and healing programme that gets you unstuck and raises your energy so you can take action and smash your income goals 

It’s time to stop sabotaging your success and start creating the business and life you really want

There’s no doubt about it. Being a female business owner promoting in the online space is tough. You try to do ALL the things the gurus say you should do to attract clients. But it’s so hard. Because posting on social media five times a day is exhausting. And going live is scary. Nobody’s going to want to buy your stuff anyway. And who are you to be charging THAT much?

You tell yourself these stories and wonder why everyone else makes it look so easy. You feel like you’re not good enough. Then, procrastination hits, leaving you stuck. And the flow of clients, and therefore money, is like a spluttering tap.

Money Mindset School (instant access)

Money Mindset School

5 Modules.  5 Lessons.

Are you a cash-strapped entrepreneur?

You feel STUCK and just can’t move forward.

There’s so much advice out there from many experts.

You’ve done a tonne of training, 5-day challenges and joined courses.

You simply wish that you could afford a coach?

But right now, it’s just not possible!

There simply isn’t enough money to invest in more courses, trainers or even a coach.

Introducing the Money Mindset School

It’s time to get UNSTUCK and go deep with your own inner resources until such times as you can afford to invest in coaching.

Upgrade Your Money Mindset Power Session

A powerful 90-minute session, held over Zoom

In this session, we’ll home in on one KEY negative belief, feeling or memory that’s holding you back. Then, we’ll clear it and replace it with positive beliefs and thoughts to get you unstuck so you can take action and move powerfully forward, so you can create exceptional success in 2023.

Receiving Meditation


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